
Student activity

Student activity

2022年,The Communist Youth League of Shenzhen University is under the leadership of the university Party Committee and the higher Youth League committee,深入学习贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、党的二十大精神,深入学习贯彻落实习近平总书记关于青年工作的重要思想,Continue to implement the Reform Plan of the Communist Youth League in Universities and the Opinions of the Central Committee of the League, the All-China Students' Federation and the Ministry of Education on Promoting the Deepening Reform of the University Students' Union (Graduate Students' Union),Centering on the four-dimensional work pattern of "uniting youth, serving the overall situation, serving as a good bridge, and strictly governing the group",Strengthen ideological guidance,Strengthen the basic foundation,Deepen reform and innovation,Service grows into talent,Strive to improve the leadership, organization, service and overall contribution of the group,Strive to play the role of the main force, fresh force and commando force of the Communist Youth League in the fundamental task of moral education in colleges and universities。


Armed youth with the power of truth

组织团员青年认真学习党的科学理论特别是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、贯彻落实习近平总书记关于青年工作的重要思想,充分利用重要年节日和庆典纪念活动开展太阳城app 主题教育、组织主题升旗仪式。According to the organization's "Welcome the 20th Congress, always go with the Party, forge a new journey" theme of educational practice deployment, organized the whole school's league branch 100% in-depth study of party history and ideological and political theory, "the history of the Party's youth movement," "the spirit of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the league," "Great achievements in the new era"。After the victory of the Party's 20th National Congress,In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress is the top political task at present and in the coming period,In accordance with superior requirements,Carry out a variety of learning activities such as learning propaganda, special training, discussion, practice and publicity,To ensure that the Party's twenty major spiritual learning propaganda and implementation of the full coverage of the school's young teachers and students。Organize and mobilize the cadres of the whole school to actively teach the party and league lessons to the youth members。

To "Qingma project" to gather young people

Construct the "Qingma Project" training brand from the freshmen admission, the college level training, and the university level improvement,To organize and implement the phased training programs of "Tsing Ma Pioneers • Freshman Camp", "Building Dreams Camp", "Building Foundations Camp", "Inspirational Camp" and "Lighthouse Camp",We will guide young political cadres to strengthen their ideals and convictions,Strengthen ideological and political guidance for young college students,Efforts will be made to train and transport young political cadres for the Party。"Tsing Ma Pioneers • Dream Camp" (college level) training course, 22 colleges (departments) recruited and selected a total of 865 students, successfully completed various learning tasks。"Tsing Ma Vanguard • Lighthouse Camp" (school level) training course selected a total of 18 students, through theoretical learning, red education, reading discussion, social practice, volunteer service and other training content, the lighthouse camp students to carry out a comprehensive ideological and political education and personal ability training。The "Qingma Pioneer Group • Sharpen the Spirit Camp" is for the selection of outstanding backbone members from the main league organizations and student associations of the school who are willing to join the Communist Party of China and actively get closer to the party organizations,Through the establishment of two levels of joint training mechanism,To attract and absorb the backbone of league and student associations into the Party organization,The "Qingma Pioneer Group • Sharpen Chi Camp" activity was also selected in the second batch of party building work quality projects of the school。In 2022, our school will recommend 2 students to participate in the training course of "Qingma Project" for Guangdong university students and 7 students to participate in the training course of "Qingma Project" for Shenzhen University students。

Training youth with practice

2022年,The Youth League Committee actively implemented the spirit of the "Notice on carrying out the 2022 National college and secondary school student volunteers Summer cultural, scientific and health" three to the countryside "social practice activities and the requirements of the provincial authorities,Combined with our school to meet the Party's 20 relevant work arrangements,Summer social practice activities for college students will be organized from June to August 2022。767 teachers and students from 81 practice teams carried out social practice in strict compliance with relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control,To complete the practical tasks of "learning Party history and receiving education", "walking grassroots leaders and talents" and "doing practical work and making contributions",Organize school-level selection,Finally, 10 teams won the first prize at the university level,14 teams won the school level second prize, 19 teams won the school level third prize。Among them, 2 teams were identified as national key teams, 21 were identified as provincial key teams, and were rated as provincial excellent units, and 2 provincial excellent teams and 4 outstanding individuals。

Continue to strengthen the organization and construction of the graduate Student association of the Student Union

Comprehensively and deeply promote the deepening of the reform of the Student Union (graduate Student Association), standardize the management and operation of the student union organizations at the university and college levels, and strengthen the direct leadership of the Party organization and the specific guidance responsibility of the league organization。According to the Rules for the Election and Organization of the Student Union of Shenzhen University and the Rules for the Election and Organization of the College Student Union of Shenzhen University, the organization and election of the student union at the two levels of the university are regulated。On June 12, the 26th Student Congress was held。On November 12, the 23rd Graduate Student Congress was held。指导校院两级学生会、研究生会持续深入学习习近平总书记建团百年大会讲话,深刻领会贯彻新时代青年责任与担当。The Student Union will organize and participate in the special study meeting of the Student Union, set up the Qingma Study Group, and continue to deeply understand the Party's attention to the care of young students and the Student Union, political positioning, expectations and requirements, as well as the Party's methods and paths for the development of the Student Union in the new era。Carry out the training of the backbone team of the university and university students' Union, and realize the full coverage of the training of the members of the student union。

Competition-driven, cultivating talents with distinctive innovation and entrepreneurship characteristics

With the goal of "cultivating distinctive characteristics of Shenda's innovation and entrepreneurship culture", we strive to create a "Shenda Youth · Innovation +" double innovation cultural brand。Hold the 2022 "Liyuan Challenge" innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (hereinafter referred to as "Liyuan Challenge"), which is divided into three tracks: academic track, entrepreneurship track and social practice track, and promote the brand operation of school-level "double innovation" events。In the 13th "Challenge Cup" Guangdong College Students Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, a total of 14 projects of our school were promoted to the provincial competition, 8 projects were selected for the final final, and won 1 gold award, 7 silver awards and 6 bronze awards。In 2022 and 2023, 20 and 16 projects of our school were funded by the Special Fund for Science and Technology Innovation Strategy of Guangdong Province (" Climbing Plan "special fund), respectively, with 580,000 yuan and 38 million yuan respectively.5万元。For the first time, the "Liyuan Challenge · Peak Climbing" fund of the Communist Youth League of Shenzhen University was funded,Benchmark "Challenge Cup" National college students extracurricular academic science and technology works competition,It is connected and complementary with the "College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program" and the "Special Fund for Science and Technology Innovation Strategy of Guangdong Province (Cultivation of Science and Technology Innovation for College Students)",Formation of cultivation, incubation, competition, promotion of the whole chain of positive feedback working mechanism,Support the Youth League Committee of each college (department) to carry out academic research and scientific and technological innovation project cultivation,To promote learning, to promote research, to promote innovation。In 2022, the "Liyuan Challenge · Peak Climbing" Fund of the Communist Youth League of Shenzhen University supported 194 projects in total。Jointly organized the 8th China International "Internet Plus" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center of the University。"Red Travel Track" declared a total of 46 projects, recommended 3 shortlisted projects to the provincial competition, and won 2 provincial bronze awards。Actively respond to and participate in the series of activities of "Creating and Enjoying Liyuan" Shenzhen University's third Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Week。Activities such as "Liyuan Challenge" exhibition were held。

To serve the society and comprehensively promote the construction of "volunteer school"

There are 26 university-level volunteer service organizations, including 3 university-level volunteer service organizations and 23 university-level volunteer service organizations.The voluntary service organizations of the university are all affiliated college associations of Shenzhen University Volunteer Union。According to the data of the "Volunteer Shenzhen" system, this year (as of November 2022), the number of new volunteers registered in Shenda Yi Federation of Trade Unions was 5,372, serving a total of 1,126 projects, volunteering for 428,509 hours, and volunteering for 76,877 people。U Station recruited volunteers this year more than 250 volunteers were recruited this year, serving 2,500 hours as volunteers。

The school selected 4 student volunteers to volunteer teaching in Chayu, Xizang, and the students' teaching work was highly recognized by the Education bureau of Chayu and local teachers。Six outstanding graduate volunteers were newly recruited to participate in the "West Plan", and four West volunteers in 2021 were renewed for the second year, continuing to stick to the west and dedicate their youth to the motherland and the people。Actively responded to the "Guangdong College Graduates Volunteer Service Rural Revitalization Action" of the Guangdong College Students Volunteer Service Mountain Program, and more than 80 people participated in the application。The work of "Youth Cloud support education" is progressing steadily, among which 27 volunteers help 23 recipients in pairs according to their professional strengths, providing them with "one-to-one" and "multi-to-one" academic counseling and psychological companionship。Participated in the volunteer service of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Youth Exchange Camp, recruited 103 volunteers for the activity, and successfully completed the work of translation, guidance, airport pick-up and drop-off, on-site service, etc。The 12 volunteer teaching group of "Firefly Project" went to Wenchang, Hainan for half a month。Provide full volunteer service for the first Rowing League of X9 Universities and Institutes Alliance of Shenzhen Xili Lake International Science and Education City and Xili Lake Forum。

Actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work of the school, and assist in nucleic acid testing, vaccine injection, temperature measurement in the canteen, food delivery isolation, and maintaining order at the express station。A total of 3,694 volunteers participated, with a total of 39,321 generated.866 volunteer hours, serving all teachers, students and staff of the school。During the school epidemic control, 1,551 food delivery volunteers and 84 on-site nucleic acid volunteers were recruited, generating a total of 4,905 volunteer hours。

Coordinate and organize various campus cultural activities to create a positive and healthy campus cultural atmosphere

The school Youth League Committee held the "Compendium of Materia Medica" immersive campus dance competition, with about 900 participants.91万,The number of likes and collections is 38,446;The Mid-Autumn Festival music and dance campus "flash mob" performance, "Deep Adult Kite Chasing" campus kite festival, "Color Boom" cheerleading contest and other activities were held,Organize and carry out the "Youth sports diary" regular national fitness network punch-in activities;We are currently holding the preliminary and semi-final of "Shenzhen University Student Singer Competition"。

The Association organized the "Cloud Breathable Plan" activity, launched the online home cloud tour guide, and enriched the extracurricular life of teachers and students during the stay at home class;The first music container was officially opened to provide an activity place for the daily rehearsal of the campus band。Under the guidance of professional teachers, the 9 performing troupes learn from each other and actively carry out various activities。Hip-hop dance group to participate in the 2022 graduation ceremony opening performance。Qiyan Cup speech and debate Competition, "Restart Restart" campus flash mob performance, animation film appreciation, "Music Corner" activity of Jingsing Club, "Twisting Stick Manual teaching" activity of Handmade Arts Association, guitar Club "Grass Concert", Drama Club "Old Dream New Theater" and other club activities were wonderful。The drama of Garbage Wanderings was selected into the 9th Wuzhen Drama Festival Guzhen Carnival。Organize and mobilize the registration of "the 17th Guangdong College Students Campus Sports and Art Season Activities", and actively recommend works to participate in various sports and art season competitions。The university debate team hosted the Inter-Collegiate Cup debate competition, Calamus Cup debate competition, participated in Xingyao Dayan International Chinese Debate Invitational Competition and Fengfa Cup Political Science and Law University Debate Championship, and won the second place。The university debate team is participating in the 5th "Talk about ancient and modern · Learn from others" university young students Debate Invitational competition and the 23rd Shenzhen Reading Month debate Competition。

The Graduate Student Association successfully hosted the "Digital Empowerment.,The ninth Liyan Forum series activities with the theme of "Creating the Future",It covers 21 colleges,More than 300 manuscripts have been received,More than 3,000 graduate students have participated in the program,It has created a good academic atmosphere,The event was also awarded the 2022 "I do practical things for my classmates" excellent service project of Guangdong Students' Union。Paying attention to the physical and mental health of graduate students, we organized a series of activities such as "Fu Ren Yu Xin" reading club, "Looking for another Me in the World", "flea market" and "Badminton Carnival" during graduation season。